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Katrina Otto
Sue Cummins
Not Enrolled
1 Section
05-Essential Clinical Data Entry using MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
06-Essential Clinical Data Entry using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
07-Recalls & Reminders using MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
08-Recalls & Reminders Using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
09-Improving Quality & Revenue In General Practice Using CAT4 and Top bar
What do I get with this course? This course consists of 10 video lessons, supplementary learning resources and reflective activities. Downloadable learning resources including pdf…
2 Sections
10-Change Management
Learning Objectives: Learn strategies for leading change. Discuss SWOT analyais to identify opportunities for improvement. identify ways to improve team engagement. Understand rapid CQI and…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
11-Towards a Paperless Practice using MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
12-Towards a Paperless Practice using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
15-Privacy, Confidentiality & Risk Using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
19-Digital Health and My Health Record Using MedicalDirector Clinical Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
20-Digital Health and My Health Record using Best Practice Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
3 Sections
21-Data Driven Quality Improvement with Polar
What do I get with this course? This course consists of approximately 35 mins of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found…
1 Section
22-Secure Messaging in MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
24-Secure Messaging in Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
25-Cancer Screening & Preventive Health using MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
26-Cancer Screening & Preventive Health using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
3 Sections
27-Reporting and Advanced searches using MedicalDirector (and Pracsoft)
Learning Objectives: Generate financial reports using PracSoft Discuss the importance of collecting and analysing data for measuring practice efficiency & improvements. Develop an understanding of…
1 Section
28-Reporting & advanced searches with Bp Premier
Learning Objectives: Generate financial reports using Bp Premier – Management Reporting. Discuss the importance of collecting and analysing data for measuring practice efficiency & improvements.…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
31-Diabetes Management Using MedicalDirector Clinical Software
What do I get with this course? Video lessons Downloadable learning resources including pdf of presentation, software and leadership guides, Quality Improvement/PDSA samples and printable…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
32-Diabetes Management Using Best Practice Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
3 Sections
35-Item Numbers, Billing & Maximising Revenue in General Practice Using Pracsoft
Learning Objectives: Generate reports from within Pracsoft to analyse practice billing. Use 3rd party products to enhance analysis of practice billing and services. Discuss ways…
1 Section
38-Clinical Governance & Health IT Risk Assessment using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of over 1 hour of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
39-Increasing use of Tools and Diagrams Using MedicalDirector Clinical
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
2 Sections
40-Increasing use of Tools and Diagrams Using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? Video lessons The powerpoint presentation used in the course (in pdf) Learning reflections or quizzes Printable cheatsheets for…
1 Section
41-MedicalDirector Clinical for Practice Nurses
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
42-Best Practice Software for Practice Nurses
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
43 – Women’s Health using MedicalDirector Clinical Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
44-Women’s Health using Best Practice Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
45-Letters and Templates using MedicalDirector Software
Learning Objectives: Use templates to create letters Modify templates Create practice letterheads Import templates Use auto-text shortcuts
Not Enrolled
1 Section
46-Letters and Templates using Best Practice Software
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
47-Advanced Tips & Timesaving Shortcuts using MedicalDirector
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
48-Advanced Tips & Timesaving Shortcuts using Bp Premier
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
51- PIP QI – Implementing Quality Improvements using Bp Premier, Pen CS &/or Polar
What do I get with this course? This course consists of video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
53-Telehealth – Tips for high quality consultations
What do I get with this course? Presented by industry expert Katrina Otto, this video learning course will teach you tips for high quality telehealth…
Not Enrolled
1 Section
55 – Access online services using HPOS and PRODA
What do I get with this course? This course consists of  video ‘lessons’ plus resources ‘Materials’. Downloadable resources can be found under the Materials tab…
1 Section
Covid19 & Calm Efficiencies in your practice – Margaret Windsor & Katrina Otto for Best Practice Software
What’s in this Course? This course consists of 1 ‘lesson’ ie the webinar recording from live Best Practice COVID19 Webinar with Katrina Otto & Margaret…
1 Section
CSIRO Primary Care Data Quality Education Package – Bp Premier Software
Primary Care Data Quality Education This training program, funded by the Australian Department of Health, is designed to support healthcare providers to: improve use of…
1 Section
CSIRO Primary Care Data Quality Education Package – COMMUNICARE
Primary Care Data Quality Education This training program, funded by the Australian Department of Health, is designed to support healthcare providers to: improve use of…
1 Section
CSIRO Primary Care Data Quality Education Package – MedicalDirector
Primary Care Data Quality Education This training program, funded by the Australian Department of Health, is designed to support healthcare providers to: improve use of…
0 Sections
PIP QI & Data Quality Resource Bundle for Bp Premier – for individual practices
TRAINING & RESOURCE BUNDLE – 16 HELPFUL RESOURCES! Let us make it easier for you to meet the criteria for Practice Incentive Payment –…
0 Sections
PIP QI & Data Quality Resource Bundle for MedicalDirector – for individual practices
TRAINING & RESOURCE BUNDLE – 16 HELPFUL RESOURCES! Let us make it easier for you to meet the criteria for Practice Incentive Payment – Quality…