Who are we?
Train IT Medical Pty Ltd is a private training organisation owned and managed by Katrina Otto. Our business is providing education and support for medical practice management and use of technology. We have two websites this Privacy Policy covers: trainitmedical.com.au and our Learning Management System (LMS) held on the sub-domain courses.trainitmedical.com.au.
This Privacy Policy sets out how Train IT Medical protects your privacy. We are subject to the Privacy Act 1988 and other applicable State and Territory privacy law. There is more information about these laws on the Australian Information Commissioner’s website: www.oaic.gov.au.
What personal information do we collect, store and use and how and why do we collect this?
Train IT Medical collects personal information from persons enquiring about training services or registering for an online learning account. Most of this information is collected directly from the person concerned, via our online forms. We also collect information about Train IT Medical account holders, such as learning module completions, certificates downloaded, feedback and reviews. Our website collects, stores and uses this information to:
- Administer the website/LMS
- Personalise the website/LMS
- Send/supply to you products and services that you purchase as account holders
- Enable the certificate tracking software to assist you to manage your certifications and reporting
- Improve our services, for example, to understand which software you use or which learning topics are popular or to support website improvements for users
- Communicate with you about your account and available learning
Who do we share your information with?
Where you undertake online learning modules provided by your organisation or Primary Health Networks they may give you a code which enables free access for you.
Train IT Medical may report activities to your organisation/Primary Health Network. Reporting may include name, practice name, role, course undertaken, completion.
This is the same information participants have historically provided at a Train IT Medical in-person event via a training evaluation form.
If you choose to use the Group/PHN Enrolment code you are agreeing that Train IT Medical can share the above personal details with your Organisation or Primary Health Network providing the training for you.
How do we store and protect the information we hold about you?
We store your information in electronic systems under our control and with contracted data storage providers. We take appropriate steps to protect the security of the information we hold about you, including protections against unauthorised access, virus or other electronic intrusions, fire, theft or loss. We require our contracted providers to do the same. Our staff are bound by strict requirements regarding the protection of the privacy of the information we collect and hold about you. We or our contracted data storage providers may use servers, systems and cloud computing providers outside of Australia. Our contracts with them require them to protect the privacy of your information when held on these servers and/or using cloud computing. Our contractors are also required to comply with Australian Privacy laws.
Updating this policy
Train IT Medical may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes.
The courses and materials are the intellectual property of Train IT Medical Pty Ltd. All materials stored on our website/LMS are subject to copyright. Any downloadable resources are not permitted to be shared without documented permission by Katrina Otto, Managing Director of Train IT Medical Pty Ltd.
Consent and Contact
If you do not agree to this privacy policy, please do not access or use our Learning Management System/services.
Please direct any concerns or enquiries in relation to data sharing and privacy to: [email protected]